Category: Handguns
A Pair of Deuces – Kimber Conversion kit vs. GSG1911-22
At the shot show this winter I was able to spend some time with German Sport Guns (GSG) new 1911-22. ATI has been importing these and other GSG offerings over the past few years. My last experience with GSG was with their GSG-5, which is a highly reliable and accurate rendering of the famous HK MP5 series of weapons. Since the GSG-5 was introduced, they have followed with an AK-47 variant in .22 long rifle, and now a 1911 chambered in .22 long rifle.
Over the past 15 years I have had some experience with 1911’s and .22 conversion kits, and my impressions were not favorable. The few times I was able to test the conversion kits were nothing short of disappointment. They were picky about ammunition choices. Bulk ammo rarely cycled properly. CCI mini mag’s worked better, but the high cost of this ammo was enough to keep me from buying a conversion kit.
As fate would have it, ATI sent me a GSG-1911-22 this summer for evaluation. Fate also decided that if one is good, two is better. A very short time after the GSG 1911 arrived, I wound up trading for a Kimber Custom .45 1911 with a Kimber .22 conversion kit included. I soon realized the opportunity to test the guns against each other. Continue reading A Pair of Deuces – Kimber Conversion kit vs. GSG1911-22
JP Glock Magazine Well Review

When I think of Glock magazine wells I don’t think of JP rifles. However, JP Enterprises happens to make one of the best Glock mag wells available. The JP Enterprises Glock Mag Well is precision CNC machined from aluminum and then hard coat anodized. Installation is simple and requires no fitting. Continue reading JP Glock Magazine Well Review
Drag Racing with Handguns – MGM Targets Man on Man Grand Nationals
This Event Will Be Held July 24-31, 2011
As Americans we love our guns and we certainly love competition. If you are a handgun owner, you have probably heard of, seen on TV, or even attended some sort of competition. All of these handgun competitions are fun to shoot, but some are more fun than others to watch. The Parma Rod & Gun in Parma, Idaho is bringing back the handgun match that is one of the most exciting to shoot and watch. This event started in Montrose, Colorado and has is now making a comeback after a few years off.
Continue reading Drag Racing with Handguns – MGM Targets Man on Man Grand Nationals
2011 MGM Ironman – The Ultimate Test of Equipment
The MGM Ironman is the biggest and toughest 3 Gun competition in the world. That’s why close to 300 shooters migrate to Parma, Idaho each June for an entire week to shoot the 3 day match. Even though the match directors split the match into two 3 day sections to accommodate more shooters, there was still a waiting list to shoot the Scoped Tactical division.
Due to the high round count and extremely long stages, many shooters view the MGM Ironman as the ultimate test of their equipment. Official round counts were just a few rounds shy of 1000 rounds, and that’s if you shot a perfect match. Many shooters shot twice that amount of ammunition. By my own calculations there was somewhere around a half-million rounds fired at this years Ironman alone. The stages are so long at the Ironman that “timing out” is a Continue reading 2011 MGM Ironman – The Ultimate Test of Equipment
SWSA Glock Dry Fire Kit Review
I recently tried a Glock Dry fire Trigger from Southwest Shooting Authority (SWSA). I have wondered for some time how effective the dry fire trigger is and whether it resembled a real Glock Trigger. I’m happy to report, It does.
I think the trigger is effective and has helped me strengthen my finger and improved my speed on double and triple taps. It’s also really nice not having to rack the slide between pulling the trigger. Transitions have also improved since I no longer have to rack to transition. I think the trigger is worth purchasing and should I lose it would purchase again.
Does the trigger feel exactly like a Glock trigger? Absolutely not. It does, however, feel close. Even close enough that Continue reading SWSA Glock Dry Fire Kit Review