I have now shot almost 900 rounds through my Arredondo Glock Base Pads and am still just as impressed with the quality as when I first installed them. I still haven’t had a malfunction or issue of any kind and don’t expect to.
The Arredondo Base pads or mag extensions extend your magazine to 140mm. 140mm is the limit for being legal for USPSA Limited and Scoped Tactical in 3 gun. The extension allows for 6 extra rounds of 9mm for a total of 23+1 or 5 rounds of .40S&W.
To test the base pads I loaded them with 23 rounds of 9mm and dropped them from shoulder height on cement and hard dirt. They handled it fine and don’t’ even show wear. I had no luck even getting them to loosen by dropping. To get them off you have to intentionally remove them. One of the best features of the pads is that if you want to remove them you can do it in about 5 seconds using the small tool provided with each base pad. Should you lose the tool you can still remove the pads it just might require a little ingenuity.
The hardest and most difficult part of installing the Arredondo base pads is removing the Glock base pads. I showed up to a USPSA Pistol match and didn’t have them installed yet. I had to use a spark plug and the edge of a target stand to get the Glock base pads off. I was bleeding from numerous holes afterwards. The Arredondo base pads almost seemed too easy to install after my difficult time removing the Glock pads.
As you can tell I was a little unprepared to shoot the match but the mags worked great and there were several stages that if I didn’t miss any shots I could shoot through without reloading. My only other mistake that day was not bringing my LULA mag loader. I had some sore fingers from loading by hand as the new springs were extremely stiff their first few loadings.
The base pads come with a +10% extra power Wolf spring , the two-piece base pad, and the removal tool. You use the stock Glock follower and it just snaps on the spring.
The base pad is made from a tough polymer. The bottoms of the bases have an aggressive checkered serration for non-slip handling. Arredondo offers a base pad that doesn’t have the checkering for concealed carry.
The bases come in 3 different colors a feature which is useful for multiple applications. I like to rotate through my mags and having one of each color makes this easier. You could also go all one color for each caliber of Glock you own. I have a hard time keeping them separate.
Rumor has it that Team Glock uses these when they shoot classes legal to use extended base pads. I haven’t verified this so take it for what it’s worth.
Retail is about $40
Brownells Stock #: 069-000-004