Most users of Harris style bipods that swivel have wished at some time that there was an easier way of locking the bipod than the provided method. The Harris S style bipods all come with a thumbnut for locking the bipod, however, it takes Herculean type strength or pliers to get it tight enough to prevent the bipod from canting.
Personally, I prefer the S style bipods to the non-canting models. I think it is important to be able to level your rifle when shooting on uneven terrain and the S style bipods allow you to do that.
The solution to easily locking your bipod is simple and affordable. Replace the thumbnut with something that has more leverage. has a variety of options that are marketed as bipod locks. They offer an adjustable lever nut that replaces the hard to turn thumb nut on your bipod. The work has been done; just order the configuration you like and choose the thread size that fits your brand of bipod.
Installation is extremely easy. The only tool necessary is a ¼ inch socket. There are other manufacturers of bipod locks available, but you will pay $20 more. The bipod lock sold by does not mechanically do anything different to lock your bipod than the original thumbnut did. However, it provides more leverage, which is what makes it easier to lock. I should also mention that the lever on the lock ratchets so you can position it in the most convenient place. You just pull out, swivel the lever to the position you want it, and the spring inside pulls it back in. This is a nice feature as you can get the lever out of the way if you’re not using it, or lock it and move it out of the way. sells their bipod lock in a number of configurations. For example you can get a black steel lever with black or stainless hardware. If you’re a stickler for weight you’ll want to go with the nylon bipod lock as it only weighs .6 ounces and is lighter than the steel locks (the steel bipod locks weigh in at 1.2 ounces). There are numerous combinations available so you shouldn’t have any problem finding something that fits your setup. In my opinion, all the available configurations are more than strong enough and you will probably break your bipod before you ever break your T-Nuts Bipod Lock.
We called several times and the staff at were always friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about their products. They also have diagrams and measurements of the bipod lock on their website.
The bipod lock prices range from under $6.50 to $8.50 depending on the configuration you choose. They are worth every penny and will be the best thing you can do for any Harris S style bipod. All bipod locks include a single spacer, with additional spacers available separately.
1. Start by removing the small nut located inside you thumbnut. A 1/4 in socket worked great for us.
The photo above is the small nut removed.
2. Once the small nut is removed, locate the bolt assembly on the back of the bipod (pictured above). Use your finger and hold it in place before you remove the thumbnut. Continue to hold the bolt assembly on the back until installation is complete. If you don’t, the pin in the back of the bolt will fall out.
3. Remove the thumbnut.
4. Once you have removed the thumbnut, place the small spacer, included with your bipod lock, on the bolt shaft. The spacer alleviates the need to cut the bolt off making it so you can easily return the bipod to stock configuration should you want to.
5. Place the Bipod Lock on the bolt and screw it down until it’s tight. Don’t over tighten! If the bipod lock is not pointed in a desirable direction, pull out on the lever and turn to reposition. That’s it! Go shooting!
The Bipod Lock pictured is a nylon model with stainless steel hardware.
Ran across your site and the post you had on harris bipod swivel lock by, Great information and a very fine product by some very nice people talked to Robert @ t-nuts, order a swivel lock, installed it and love it. Thank you for sharing the info
Thank you for this! I ordered the micro stainless. Much cheaper than a big gun part retailer offered (shipping is less too!), and the t-nuts guys even send you a discount code to use when creating your account.
The only thing I did not like on the T-nuts site was the requirement to create an account . Why can’t I just buy the product . I don’t want an account . I don’t want to log in either , just sell me the products.
Good product but stupid business policy.
WOW… the Harris version of these are nearly $30!! I like Harris but this little company just allowed us to “eat out” after a day at the range!
Thanks for your GREAT article… really wonderful to find this company and their site went out to about 100 rifle shooters I know!